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fresh eucalyptus shower bouquet

Regular price $ 15.00
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5.0 Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars1 Review {"averageRating":"5.0","reviewCount":1}
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Turn your bathroom into a spa home with our fresh eucalyptus and dried lavender shower bouquet. Simply hang the eucalyptus from your shower head and allow the steam from your shower to release the essential oils. This small shower bundle includes fresh eucalyptus and dried lavender tied with twine. For freshness keep eucalyptus in a vase with cool water when not in use.

customer reviews

5.0 Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars Based on 1 review 5 Rated out of 5 stars 1 Total 5 star reviews: 1 4 Rated out of 5 stars 0 Total 4 star reviews: 0 3 Rated out of 5 stars 0 Total 3 star reviews: 0 2 Rated out of 5 stars 0 Total 2 star reviews: 0 1 Rated out of 5 stars 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0 100%would recommend this productOpen Okendo Reviews in a new window Filters Write a Review (Opens in a new window) 1 review Sort Most RecentOldestMost HelpfulPhotos & VideosHighest RatingLowest RatingLeast Helpful DS Daniel S. Verified Buyer I recommend this productRated 5 out of 5 stars12 seconds agoGreat Size and AromaI really enjoy the length of the eucalyptus and the addition of the lavender. They make the product really easy to use as it already comes wrapped together and ready to be hung in your showerRead MoreWas this helpful?Yes, this review was helpful. 0 people voted yesNo, this review was not helpful 0 people voted no Loading... Loading... Reviews LoadedReviews Added {"reviews":[{"subscriberId":"0f8a43db-a05a-4365-9e45-c7c15b68a723","reviewId":"e3c788d3-2d8f-468f-a008-4ba0a69181e7","subscriberId_productId":"0f8a43db-a05a-4365-9e45-c7c15b68a723:shopify-6643217727534","productId":"shopify-6643217727534","body":"I really enjoy the length of the eucalyptus and the addition of the lavender. They make the product really easy to use as it already comes wrapped together and ready to be hung in your shower","dateCreated":"2023-03-31T17:57:19.258Z","dateUpdated":"2023-03-31T17:57:19.258Z","helpfulCount":0,"isRecommended":true,"rating":5,"reviewer":{"displayName":"Daniel S.","isVerified":true},"isIncentivized":false,"status":"approved","title":"Great Size and Aroma","unhelpfulCount":0,"variantId":"39449603670062","productName":"fresh eucalyptus shower bouquet","productImageUrl":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0600/8581/products/fresh-eucalyptus-shower-bundle-house-of-lilac-miami-flowers-delivery-nationwide-shipping-907230_x280.jpg?v=1639096574","productUrl":"//www.houseoflilac.com/products/fresh-eucalyptus-shower-bouquet","productHandle":"fresh-eucalyptus-shower-bouquet"}],"areReviewsGrouped":false,"media":[],"reviewAggregate":{"dateUpdated":"2023-03-31T17:57:19.839Z","mediaCount":0,"productId":"shopify-6643217727534","productName":"fresh eucalyptus shower bouquet","ratingAndReviewCount":1,"ratingAndReviewCountByLevel":{"level5Count":1},"ratingAndReviewValuesTotal":5,"ratingCount":0,"ratingCountByLevel":{},"ratingValuesTotal":0,"recommendationCount":1,"replyCount":0,"replyWordsTotal":0,"reviewCount":1,"reviewCountByLevel":{"level5Count":1},"reviewRatingValuesTotal":5,"reviewWordsTotal":36,"subscriberId_productId":"0f8a43db-a05a-4365-9e45-c7c15b68a723:shopify-6643217727534","subscriberId":"0f8a43db-a05a-4365-9e45-c7c15b68a723"},"questionCount":0,"productAttributes":[]} !(function() { const widgets = document.querySelectorAll('.js-oke-widgetSize'); if (!window.okeResizeObserver && widgets && widgets.length) { window.okeSetWidgetSizes = (allWidgets) => { if (allWidgets) { allWidgets.forEach(widget => { const width = widget.getBoundingClientRect().width; widget.classList.remove('oke-is-small', 'oke-is-medium', 'oke-is-large'); widget.classList.add(width > 960 ? 'oke-is-large' : width > 640 ? 'oke-is-medium' : 'oke-is-small'); }); } }; let okeMetafieldResizerTimer; window.okeSetWidgetSizes(document.querySelectorAll('.js-oke-widgetSize')); window.okeResizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => { if (entries && entries.length) { if (okeMetafieldResizerTimer) { clearTimeout(okeMetafieldResizerTimer); } okeMetafieldResizerTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { window.okeSetWidgetSizes(entries.map(e => e.target)); }, 100); } }); widgets.forEach((widget) => { window.okeResizeObserver.observe(widget); }); } })();